At 9Marks, we help pastors, future pastors, and church members see what a biblical church looks like, and to take practical steps for becoming one. Our goal is to see churches characterized by nine biblical marks of a healthy church. Why these nine? Because sadly, they’re too often assumed or ignored in evangelical churches. Website - https://www.9marks.org/

Who Is Jesus? (Nepali) (Gospel Fundamentals (Nepali))
A famed historian once noted that, regardless of what you think of him personally, Jesus Christ stands as the central figure in the history of Western civilization. A man violently rejected by some and passionately worshipped by others, Jesus remains

Who Is Jesus? (Nepali) (Gospel Fundamentals (Nepali))
A famed historian once noted that, regardless of what you think of him personally, Jesus Christ stands as the central figure in the history of Western civilization. A man violently rejected by some and passionately worshipped by others, Jesus remains

What is a Healthy Church Member? (Nepali)
What Is a Healthy Church Member? takes its cue from Mark Dever's book What Is a Healthy Church?, which offered one definition of what a healthy church looks like biblically and historically. In this new work, pastor Thabiti Anyabwile attempts to answ

What is a Healthy Church Member? (Nepali)
What Is a Healthy Church Member? takes its cue from Mark Dever's book What Is a Healthy Church?, which offered one definition of what a healthy church looks like biblically and historically. In this new work, pastor Thabiti Anyabwile attempts to answ

What is a Healthy Church? (Nepali)
What is an ideal church, and how can you tell? How does it look different from other churches? More importantly, how does it act differently, especially in society? Many of us aren't sure how to answer those questions, even though we probably have so

What is a Healthy Church? (Nepali)
What is an ideal church, and how can you tell? How does it look different from other churches? More importantly, how does it act differently, especially in society? Many of us aren't sure how to answer those questions, even though we probably have so

What Is the Gospel? (Nepali) (Gospel Fundamentals (Nepali))
What is the gospel? It seems like a simple question, yet it has been known to incite some heated responses, even in the church. How are we to formulate a clear, biblical understanding of the gospel? Tradition, reason, and experience all leave us ulti

What Is the Gospel? (Nepali) (Gospel Fundamentals (Nepali))
What is the gospel? It seems like a simple question, yet it has been known to incite some heated responses, even in the church. How are we to formulate a clear, biblical understanding of the gospel? Tradition, reason, and experience all leave us ulti

Church Membership (Nepali): How the World Knows Who Represents Jesus (Building Healthy Churches (Nepali))
Why should you join a church? Becoming a member of a church is an important, and often neglected, part of the Christian life. Yet the trend these days is one of shunning the practice of organized religion and showing a distaste or fear of commitment,

Church Membership (Nepali): How the World Knows Who Represents Jesus (Building Healthy Churches (Nepali))
Why should you join a church? Becoming a member of a church is an important, and often neglected, part of the Christian life. Yet the trend these days is one of shunning the practice of organized religion and showing a distaste or fear of commitment,

Church Discipline (Nepali): How the Church Protects the Name of Jesus (Building Healthy Churches (Nepali))
Church discipline is essential to building a healthy church. So how exactly do we practice church discipline? Jonathan Leeman helps us face the endless variety of circumstances and sins for which no scriptural case study exists, sins that don't show

Church Discipline (Nepali): How the Church Protects the Name of Jesus (Building Healthy Churches (Nepali))
Church discipline is essential to building a healthy church. So how exactly do we practice church discipline? Jonathan Leeman helps us face the endless variety of circumstances and sins for which no scriptural case study exists, sins that don't show

Rediscover Church (Nepali): Why the Body of Christ Is Essential
Churches are currently facing a host of difficult issues―potential shut-downs and restrictions due to COVID-19, political dissension among members, racial division, church abuse scandals, and the list continues. While some attendees have temporarily

Rediscover Church (Nepali): Why the Body of Christ Is Essential
Churches are currently facing a host of difficult issues―potential shut-downs and restrictions due to COVID-19, political dissension among members, racial division, church abuse scandals, and the list continues. While some attendees have temporarily